Start Your Journey to a Simple, Intentional Life Using These Nine Tips

If you know me then you know that one of my values is simplicity and my goal is always to live a simple life. I feel like my purpose has always been to help people live fuller, more abundant lives and be content without needing or wanting more stuff so they have space to become more of themselves by needing less.

As for me, I’ve always stuck with the basics. Growing up, I’ve never been drawn to expensive things. For me they were just expensive things which may or may not add value to my life, but I’ve always preferred the alternative, more economical, reasonably priced alternative. So when I got older I find myself always reflecting my needs vs my wants when I’m interested in buying something. It wasn’t that difficult of a decision for me as that has always been my lifestyle. Yes, sometimes I get jokes about it but it is what it is.

Which leads me to ask…have you experienced moments when you felt overwhelmed, stressed out and caught in a a seemingly complicated life? When you feel like there’s too much going on and can never catch a break? You may even shrug it off to reality of adulting and in most cases, you may be right. Only sometimes, you truly feel like you’re simply existing and no longer thriving.

If this is true for you, then chances are it might be time to start going down to the basics and prioritizing simplicity over complexity when it comes to your decisions and choices.

But what does it even mean?

Living simply means different things to different people. How your neighbor across the street decides to simplify his life may be far different from how you would choose to make such a change. And it doesn’t necessarily mean completely letting go of material or luxurious things or your fancy car or choosing to live in an unheated shack in the woods. You can decide you want to do some of these things but none of them are necessary for you to live simply. Living a simple life is more of a mindset shift in my opinion. The lifestyle changes that comes with it is a result of every choice you make after you set an intention that starting today, your goal is to no longer overcomplicate your life. This process is a journey, not something you can do all at once. It’s a marathon, not a race. The key to simplifying your life is to make one small change at a time.

Here are nine tips which can lead you to the path of living a more simple, intentional life.

Examine the situations and people that bring stress to your life.

I remember a friend of mine telling me there are two types of people in your life: the seasonal and mainstays. Seasonal people are just that- they are there for a season. They can make you bitter or better, depending on your choice. They are not meant to stay in your life. They are only meant to teach you  a lesson. When the season is gone, so are they And that’s ok.

Then you have the Mainstays which of course, are meant to stay with you for a long time. I do believe this is a choice you make. And you must be careful in deciding who to keep and who to let go.

When it comes to stressful situations, make a list of those that leave you feeling trapped or overwhelmed. Then consider you might eliminate involvement in these circumstances or with these people. Can you follow through when disengaging with these people and situation? If possible select the one that you can most easily disconnect from and go from there. One stressor at a time, one day at a time.

Consider how you spend your money.

Do you make unnecessary purchases? One fairly easy way to live a simpler life is to reduce spending on unnecessary expenditures. Focus on streamlining your expenses to decrease unwanted stressors. Review your bank account debits to see where the bulk of your funds are going. This is something that I know I need to make a habit of. For some reason I dread checking my bank account although I know it’s needed. I’m so used to seeing zeros on it especially right after payday when it seems like my money just literally stopped by to visit. I am constantly working on my money mindset and looking for ways to reduce my spending as much as I can. It’s not an easy feat when you have kids and live in California.

Speaking of money mindset, check out this post where I share with you 3 ways to refream scarcity mindset I learned from Money Mindset Coach Tanga. I go back to this time and again to learn ways to reframe my mindset so I won’t be so anxious even when it’s as simple as checking your bank account balance.

Pare down the amount of “stuff” you’ve accumulated.

Many people collect a huge number of belongings. Consider this: The more stuff you have, the more time you must spend cleaning and taking care of your belongings. Not to mention the space in your home it takes to store it all, or concerns you have that someone might break or even take your stuff!

If you haven’t looked in those boxes in the garage for 5 or 10 years, you can probably disconnect from the items in them without much distress. Another lesson that stuck with me is to be ruthless when decluttering your closet. If you haven’t worn something in at least 6 months, chances are you never will.

Begin spending more time outdoors.

Have you ever heard that phrase “being one with nature”? Returning to nature offers time and opportunity for reflection on your life and feelings. When you immerse yourself in the beauty of the natural world, you find profound introspection.

Being in nature allows you to have a little sanctuary where you can unravel the complexities of your thoughts and emotions, and in turn discover some valuable insights on who you are and what truly matters to you. This is one of the best (cheapest) self-care you can do for yourself.  Whether you decide to hike through lush forests, bask in the warmth of the sun on a sandy beach, or simply sit outside in a park under the shades, every moment you spend outdoors replenishes your spirit and revitalizes your soul. This is a good reminder of the wonders and beauty that exist beyond the chaos of everyday life.  

So, why not make a conscious effort to venture outside, away from technology and the demands of modern life, a few minutes a day?

Explore what makes you happiest.

What brings you real joy? What truly fills your heart with happiness? It could be the precious moments spent with your children or the laughter you share with your friends and loved ones. Or it could be a beloved hobby you’ve been longing to reignite. Happiness manifests differently for everybody, and it is your personal journey to unravel what truly resonates with your inner being and makes your soul sing.

Your time is precious. Take a moment to consider how you spend the majority of it.

Who do you spend the majority of your life with? Are you content with that? Choose to invest your valuable time in activities that bring you joy. If you engage in these activities with others, make sure they are individuals whom you genuinely care about and truly desire to be in the company of.

Reflect on what do you with most of it. With whom do you spend the bulk of your life? Are you okay with that? Make a decision to spend your precious time doing enjoyable activities. If you do them with others, ensure they’re people you care about and really want to be around.

Strengthen your relationships with those you love.

Protect your cherished connections to others. I don’t want to sound negative, but the reality is that as you get older you tend to lose people you love. In fact, life is short, sometimes you don’t know when a conversation with someone is going to be your last.

So strengthen that connection with your loved ones. I’m at a point in my life where I value experiences over material things. At the end of the day, I choose to cherish memories, count my blessings and reminisce about connection rather than dwell on material things that clutter my space.

Contemplate your eating habits.

The food you eat and your nutritional habits are central to your existence. Be mindful of what you put in your body. I understand it’s easier said than done, especially if you have spent your whole life eating a certain way. Food is a lifestyle, and if you need to make a change, it’s better to start slow. For example, you are trying to quit caffeine. Maybe start with alternatives like tea. If you drink 3 cups of coffee a day, slowly taper and do two cups the next day. Drink lots of water for those “withdrawal” symptoms.

Examine your level of physical activity.

A closely connected habit to food intake is movement. It can be anything from yoga, dance or walking. Choose a movement that makes you feel connected to your body. Talk to your doctor before starting an exercise program to ensure it’s right for you. Even just walking for twenty minutes a day or doing some breathing exercise can bring you great peace of mind.

To Sum Up…

The goal behind living a simple life and embracing intentional living is to connect and return to your true self so you can find inner peace and happiness. This is what life is about. By letting go of material things, you create room for inspiration to flow  the simpler your life becomes and the more space you create for inspiration and experiences. Take stock of these tips to begin your journey. Only you can decide your path that will work for you.

Question for you: Which one of these tips can you do today? Make sure to share in the comment section below. I love to share your thoughts.

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About Me

I’m Wella, the creator and author behind this blog. I’m a minimalist and simple living enthusiast who has dedicated her life to living with less and finding joy in the simple things.