Have you ever felt that you are falling behind in life? Maybe there is an area or two of your life where you cannot give as much attention as you want?

I have felt this way occasionally, even though I do my best to improve myself. Work-life balance is not so easy to the point where it’s even impossible to achieve sometimes. Something always has to give. You can enhance an area of my life, but that means sacrificing others.

However, there’s one paradigm I’ve learned in my health coaching journey: how you do one thing is how you do everything. When you are busy trying to improve yourself, remember that you can always start in one area and go from there. Think of a place in your life that needs the most nurturing now.

Why Reset?

You might feel overwhelmed, exhausted, frustrated, or bored with where you are- whether financially, spiritually, relationship-wise, health-wise or even career-wise. If that’s the case, resetting your life allows you to let go of the old to bring in new experiences. When you hold on to the past, you hold on to old trauma, beliefs, and energy, which may be blocking you from living a more meaningful life. Simply put, it may be time for a reset if you feel you’re just existing instead of thriving.

Another reason why you might need a reset is that you are almost, if not already, in burnout mode. Stress takes a toll on your body and, if unmanaged, can lead to burnout. As a mom, you find that parenting has no breaks at all. Whether you have a full-time job, a business, or even a stay-at-home mom, raising kids while keeping up with maintaining the house can lead you to some form of burnout. And I get it. The chores never end.

Finally, if you simply feel stuck or unmotivated, or maybe you find yourself working on goal after goal, being stretched out too thin but not actually accomplishing any of these goals, or even if you have been hyper-focused on a specific purpose that you have disregarded other aspects of your life, then it’s time for a reset.

Where Are You Falling Behind?

Before starting your mind-body wellness reset, think of where you are stuck or falling behind. This doesn’t mean you are an outright failure. Most people have at least one. This might mean you work hard but neglect your health. Or you eat very healthily, but you have trouble saving money. You may not get enough sleep because you are constantly distracted at night. Before moving on to other habits, this can tell you what areas need improving.

It’s about habits.

Doing a mind-body wellness reset is all about creating new healthy habits. But remember that even if you come up with a list of new practices to form in your life, you still want to start with just one at a time. Even if you have 5 small habits for the same result, you want to start with just one before moving on to the next.

It’s time to create a new habit when the last one you made is something you don’t have to think about anymore. That is when you know you are ready for the next practice. They aren’t always something you constantly think about. It might be your cup of coffee in the morning or the way you drive to work. What you want to do now is create new habits that will further improve your health and your life.

Healthy Habits You Can Start Today

The best time to start new healthy habits is during a wellness reset. Your practices should always be formed after setting goals, as this is precisely what will help you achieve those goals. For example, your current goal is a simple way to do a wellness reset to easily mesh it with your current lifestyle.

Here are some healthy habits you can start doing today that will make a big difference in your overall health and wellness.

Wake Up Early to Exercise

If you have trouble fitting exercise into your busy schedule, try adding it early in the morning. Now, just so you know, I am not a fan of the 5 a.m. club. In theory, yes, it is fantastic ic. In my real mom l fe? I sleep when I can, especially when my body needs it. But I try when I can, mainly because I experience the many benefits of starting my day early, in peace, quiet, and solitude while everybody else is asleep. Waking up earlier is an adjustment, but you will appreciate it for the rest of the day. You are getting your workout done and out of the way early in the morning; it will boost your energy and make you feel happier and more confident.

Get More Fresh Air

This is a simple habit, right? Try to make it a point to get more fresh air each day. This might mean walking your dog instead of just letting them out in the backyard or enjoying your lunch outside daily while at work. Play with your kids outside and hike on the weekdays. Do whatever it takes to get in more fresh air and sunshine. I schedule outside walks during my 15-minute breaks at work and usually do it with a colleague. It helps get our mind off the stress of work for a little bit while enjoying the warmth and sunshine outside.

Eat Your Meals Mindfully

Are you having trouble sticking to a healthier diet? If so, don’t worry about changing WHAT you eat, but HOW you eat. Start just by eating more mindfully. Don’t use your phone or watch TV while you eat. Sit at a table or desk where there aren’t any other distractions, and just focus on the food you eat.

Get Enough Sleep

This is a habit many people neglect, assuming it’s not essential. But I cannot stress this e ugh.  Sleep is much more than just not feeling tired the next day. Sleep is vital for your health and well-being. It is needed to reduce stress, feel energized, focus properly and concentrate, manage your weight and physical health, keep your cardiovascular health in check, and so much more. If you can only start one habit, it should be a better sleep routine, so you are getting better quality sleep. Try Calm and Better Sleep apps if you need to listen to something soothing as you wind down for the night. Those two apps have been a part of my nighttime routine and have helped me tremendously more than sleep meds in getting restful sleep.

Now that we have talked about simple healthy habits to start embodying in your life, let’s go to your 5-Day Mind Body Reset schedule:


Commit to movement for at least 10-15 minutes a day. Or 5 minutes if that’s all you have. Movement can be anything from dance to stretching to exercise. A rebounder is perfect for at-home exercise, plus this supports the lymphatic system to release toxins. Make sure to write down five types of movement you love doing.


Don’t just buy Vitamin D supplements. Instead, leave the office for 15 minutes and get some Vitamin D. Breathe in the fresh air. If you are a stay-at-home mom, take 15 minutes for yourself when the kids are napping or commit to going for a family walk.

In your journal, write down the days/times you will commit.


Eat with Intention. Eat foods that give you energy. Eat while sitting down. Chew your food 10-20 times. Enjoy every bite. Write down the foods that fuel you daily.


Turn off the electrics. Create a sacred bedtime ritual. I love lavender and peppermint in my diffuser and writing a gratitude list in my journal.

Write down your nighttime ritual in your journal.


Create a daily habit calendar. They say it only takes 30 days to change a habit. The truth is it all depends on you. It may take you 30, 60, or even 90 days. Some may take years. The important thing is to start now.

Step 1: Create your daily schedule.

Step 2: Put the calendar on your fridge at work and keep a copy in your purse or briefcase.

Step 3: Keep to your wellness goals.

I hope you find this 5-Day Mind-Body Wellness Reset helpful. Remember, if you feel like the reset didn’t quite give you the desired results, don’t quit your new habits just yet. Use your journal to work out what has been happening and where you think it might be going wrong. You can always try again.

Leave a comment and share any insights and aha’s you gained from this post or how this reset has helped you in any way. What areas in your life need to reset right now? Is there a particular habit that struck you the most?

 I love to hear from you.

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About Me

I’m Wella, the creator and author behind this blog. I’m a minimalist and simple living enthusiast who has dedicated her life to living with less and finding joy in the simple things.