3 Amazing Benefits of Sugar Detox

Hi! On my last post I talked briefly about my experience doing a sugar detox. In this post, I will share with you the top 3 healthy benefits of Sugar detoxing, whether you do it regularly or you just want to try it once,

Before you start a sugar detox or any type of diet change, it is important to understand why you are doing it. This helps keep you motivated as you can keep those advantages in the back of your mind when you hit moments where you have intense cravings. Here are some of the top health benefits of doing a sugar detox.

Your Skin Will Improve

If you have been struggling with acne or are showing wrinkles and sagging of your skin, cutting back on sugar can help tremendously. It is an amazing lifestyle change to make when you don’t want to spend a lot of face creams and injections. For many people, sugar reduces the collagen production in their skin, which can lead to premature signs of aging like wrinkles and sagging. For others, their complexion starts clearing up. Sugar may also be contributing to flare-ups of chronic skin conditions like rosacea or psoriasis, so there is another big benefit.

You Can Increase Your Energy

Have you been feeling a bit sluggish or unmotivated lately? Contrary to what people think, sugar is not helping! In fact, you might get a short period of lethargic energy right after consuming sugar, but then you get a much longer crash. This is why afternoons are difficult for so many people. Stop the roller coaster and reduce sugar so that you have sustained energy throughout the day without dealing with those afternoon crashes.

It Provides a Healthy Immune System Boost

Who doesn’t want a more natural way to boost their immune system? By cutting out sugar, you just might be able to reduce how often you get sick will illnesses like the cold or flu. Some studies have shown that sugar can reduce your immune system by leading to inflammation in the body. Try at least reducing sugar in your diet for a few months, then see if you are able to avoid the same illnesses everyone else around you is getting.

There are many other health benefits, from being able to lose weight and keep weight off, to helping lower your blood sugar levels to reduce your risk for type 2 diabetes. The list of health benefits of giving up sugar far outweigh the few benefits you get from continuing to eat it. Keep these benefits in mind when you have cravings or if you go through a withdrawal period when you cut back on your sugar intake.

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About Me

I’m Wella, the creator and author behind this blog. I’m a minimalist and simple living enthusiast who has dedicated her life to living with less and finding joy in the simple things.