4 Not So Secret Ways to Improving Your Mood This Spring


Well, hello Spring. Winter was a little bit difficult…especially for people like me who cycles between anxiety and depression with a sprinkle of positive mood in between. I can be hormonal..especially nowadays, post partum and all. So cut me some slack however, winter can be overall  a difficult season for people with mental health problems. Wow, how did I know that? If you don’t know me yet then let me share that as a full time hustling psych nurse (on top of my already full time mom job), depression and anxiety are often worse during winter months. You are stuck inside in bad weather. You are unable to do things that would help you feel better (unless you’re like me who prefers to be indoors).

Now that it’s spring time, you can use the improving weather to take steps that will help improve your mental health. Here are some ways you can improve your mental health this spring.

Spend More Time Outside

Sunshine (vitamin D) is a good way to help improve your mood and overall mental health. As the year moves into spring weather, the days will be longer and warmer. You can improve your mental health by taking advantage of the improving weather. Even spending fifteen minutes outside in the sun every day can help your mental health. Getting time in the sun is the easiest and most effective way to get vitamin D into your body. In addition, spending time outside of the house will help you get out of a mental and emotional rut, which can also improve your overall mood.

P.S.  My therapist once said I should take vitamin d pills-said it would help my mood. Sure enough, when I went to see my doctor she told me my lab shows low vitamin d, so she gave me a supplement anyways..which I ended up not taking because I keep forgetting. Plus, I found that occasional glass of wine really uplifts my mood (but that’s another story 🙂

Beware of the pollen though or it would really kill your mood. But just in case outside time is not for you…

Take Stock of Your Internal Environment

Lots of people use spring to clean their homes and get rid of the clutter that accumulated during the winter. Sometimes a cluttered environment can contribute to a depressed or anxious mental state. By doing spring cleaning in your home and getting rid of clutter, you give yourself a fresh start for the way you think and live in your environment. In addition, the physical act of cleaning your home gets your body moving, which is also good for your mental health.

Get Involved in Journaling

An excellent way to improve your mental health in the springtime is to start journaling. Maybe you thought about it in the beginning of the year, but haven’t yet used it as a daily practice. Now is a great time to start!

Get Some Exercise

Spring is a good time to be more active because the weather is improving. Going for a short walk every day or even a few times a week not only gets you out in the sunshine but helps get your endorphins pumping, which can improve your mood. In addition, regular exercise helps improve your physical health, which improves your mental health.

Whether you’ve been struggling through winter with depression or you are just looking for new ways to improve your overall mental health, spring is a good season for feeling better. Taking small steps such as spending time outside, spring cleaning your home, and exercising can have a big impact on your mood. Committing to these actions this spring will help improve your mental health so you can enjoy the beautiful spring weather.

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About Me

I’m Wella, the creator and author behind this blog. I’m a minimalist and simple living enthusiast who has dedicated her life to living with less and finding joy in the simple things.