Category: Gut Health

  • Five Herbal Teas that Boosts Your Overall Health and Wellbeing

    Five Herbal Teas that Boosts Your Overall Health and Wellbeing

    Are you looking for a delicious and nutritious tea to accompany your morning ritual or enjoy your afternoons with? Besides green tea, which is my ultimate favorite tea, consider opting for herbal teas, which not only offer great flavor but also provide numerous health benefits. Herbal tea is crafted from various herbs, including the leaves…

  • 4 Simple Steps to Strengthen Your Gut- Literally

    Yup, another talk about gut health-one of my favorite topics hence my fascination with cleanses (particularly juice cleanse), resets, detox, elimination diet and the like. When I started taking care of my gut, that’s when my acne which overstayed on my face for years started making their exit never to come back like army troops…

  • Mindfulness Part 2: 4 Areas Where Mindfulness can be Useful

    Hi all, welcome to Part 2 of my 3-Part Mindfulness Post Series and thanks for subscribing!! And hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your family! So the question of the week is..does Mindfulness really work? Well…yes, they do really work, and it’s my own honest opinion, based on what I have experienced so far…

  • 4 Areas In Our Body that Prove the Gut-Brain Connection Exists

      If there was ever a call for “digestive health,” this is it! Yes, it’s true. Your gut is considered your “second brain.” There is no denying it anymore. And because of the new scientific discoveries about the vagus nerve, the enteric nervous system, and the amazing influence your gut microbes can have, it’s no…